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Hey! I'm James

Dad, Husband, Photo Taker, Gin Drinker, Foodie, Rocker & Music Fan

Welcome to my world & everything that revolves around it – It’s great to have you along the way!

If you’re reading this, I imagine you’ve had a little mosey around my site and would like to know a little more about the person behind the camera. Well, you’ve come to the right place!

I live in Lincolnshire with my wife Carly and little one Pippa. I also can’t forget my half-face car, Cleo! We rescued her 5 years ago from the local Cats Protection. She loves shredding all my paperwork, sleeping on my laptop and pestering you for attention.

There are few things in life I like more than making new memories and reliving old ones with friends and family, whether that’s crunching about in autumn leaves on a windy walk to the pub for Sunday lunch, or jetting off on a new adventure somewhere exciting.

I love chilled evenings in front of the telly, watching sport or trying out some new techniques with my camera – whatever keeps me busy!

I love my job!

I’m extremely lucky to be in the incredibly fortunate position of bloody loving my job. Weddings are awesome, commericial work is awesome! 

Even if I’m shooting at the same venue or same type of business for the fourth time, every single one is different, because it’s a reflection of each subject, the individuality and the relationship.

Running a business is hard work, but I absolutely love it. The creative photo-taking part, and all the other stuff too. I don’t even hate doing my accounts! 

Most of all, I love working with like-minded souls and businesses who want natural, relaxed and timeless photographs to capture every detail.

If all this sounds up your street, then send me a message to check my availability or just to have a chat!